Cosmetology License Texas Online

The Texas Board of Cosmetology sets the requirements you need to meet in order to work as a cosmetologist in Texas. When studying to be a cosmetologist, you will soon realize that there are many options available to you. You could choose to specialize as a barber, a hair stylist, an esthetician, or more.

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Requirements to Become a Cosmetologist in Texas

There are few requirements you need to meet to become a cosmetologist in Texas. There are three basic requirements before a cosmetologist can apply for license:

  • Reach the minimum age of 16
  • Receive your high school diploma or equivalent
  • Graduate from a state-licensed cosmetology school

Steps to Become a Cosmetologist in Texas

  1. Get your high school diploma

Adults who do not have a high school diploma or an equivalent degree can ask to get tested by the State Board of Cosmetology.

  1. Get training from an accredited cosmetology school

You will have to spend 1,500 hours in training from an accredited cosmetology institution. Alternatively, you could get 1,000 hours of training from a regular school and add 500 hours of training from cosmetology school to complete your education requirements.

  1. Pass the cosmetology licensing exams

In addition to this, you will also have to pass the state’s cosmetology exams. In the state of Texas, if you are a licensed cosmetologist and have passed the exam in another state of America, you can transfer your license to Texas and practice as a cosmetologist here. However, the “reciprocity agreement” only applies to certain states. If you plan to practice in Texas, the best option is to contact the Texas Cosmetology Board and ask about your specific case.
To get a complete understanding of cosmetology subjects, you can take multiple exams, such as exams for a manicurist, esthetician, hair weaving, wig and eyelash extensions etc. Further details may be found on the official website of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.

How Long Does it Take to Become a Cosmetologist in Texas?

It takes between 1,500 and 2,100 hours of training in cosmetology school to become a cosmetologist. The actual time spent in school will depend on the student. Whether you are a full time or a part time student is the main factor affecting the duration of your degree. However, the program and specialization you choose also matters. For example, hairstyling courses can take up to 350 hours in school and haircutting courses can take between 450 to 500 hours to complete. In total, if you are a full time student, it should take a year to graduate from cosmetology school. As a part time student, it may take up to two years.

How Much Does a Cosmetologist Make in Texas?

According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics as of May 2018, the median wage for barbers, hairstylists, and cosmetologists was $24,830 per year and $11.94 per hour. The typical entry level education required is a post secondary non degree award.
The number of jobs available in the field in 2016 was 673,700 and the projected growth in employment is expected to be higher than average at 13%. 87,600 additional jobs are expected to become available between 2016 and 2026. The annual mean wage for hairdressers, hairstylists and cosmetologists in Texas was $25,520. The state had the second highest level of employment in this category, with 28,020 persons working as per the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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