The New Jersey State Board of Cosmetology and Hairstyling provides a detailed list of licensing requirements to be fulfilled by aspiring cosmetologists in the state. The board licenses and regulates the occupations of barbers, cosmetology-hairstylists, beauticians, skin care specialists, manicurists, cosmetology teachers, shops and schools. The board also registers students who attend cosmetology and beauty schools.
If you are interested in the lucrative beauty business, becoming a cosmetologist might be the perfect point of entry. The following guide provides information on the process of becoming a cosmetologist in the state of New Jersey, along with details on salary figures and job outlook.

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How To Get A Cosmetology License In New Jersey

To become a cosmetologist in the state of New Jersey, you will have to meet a series of requirements. The following steps provide an easy-to-follow look into these requirements.

  1. Meet the Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible to get a license to practice as a cosmetologist in New Jersey, candidates must meet a preliminary set of requirements. Candidates must be at least 17 years of age and should hold a high school diploma or equivalent.

  1. Complete a State-Approved Cosmetology Program

Like every state, New Jersey also requires aspiring cosmetologists to have completed a program in a state-licensed barber or cosmetology school. These programs are typically found in vocational schools and result in a postsecondary nondegree award or certificate. The state of New Jersey requires the successful completion of 1,200 hours of instruction in cosmetology and hairstyling from an approved New Jersey cosmetology school. If you have completed your training in another state, or a foreign country, it must be substantially similar to trainings offered within New Jersey.

  1. Pass the Licensing Exams

The New Jersey State Board of Cosmetology and Hairstyling provides detailed information on taking theory examinations in the state. These exams are conducted through PSI Services LLC. PSI works closely with the state to ensure that the exams meet all the local and national requirements for this occupation category. Before you can take the exam, you must get approval to sit for the exam. You will also have to pay an examination fee.
The typical content of a cosmetology licensing exam would cover topics such as safe working conditions and practices, client consultation, hair, skin and nail anatomy, hair coloring, chemical texture services, shampooing, conditioning and scalp care, haircutting, nails, New Jersey laws and regulations, professional conduct etc.

  1. Maintain Your License

The State of New Jersey requires cosmetologists and hairstylists to renew their license every 2 years.

How Much Does a Cosmetologist Make in New Jersey?

The following table lists down the annual mean wages of hairdressers, hairstylists and cosmetologists over three years – 2016, 2017 and 2018.

2016 2017 2018
Annual Mean Salary (IL) $36,960 $37,660 $37,230
Annual Mean Salary (US) $29,590 $30,490 $30,190


Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics
The salary figures for this occupation in New Jersey have shown minimal change in the past three years. The annual mean salary in the state however is more than the national average.